Thursday, January 17, 2008

Lately I have been reflecting on my life as it sail's on by. I am beginning to recognize the reality of the present situation our world is in (pretty scary) and other times I like to retreat into the nievity of the way I WANT to see things. Seeing things as they really are. Or seeing life with an optimist's fairy tale idealism. There have been times when through life's tough experiences, I have become somewhat cynical in my outlook of 'man' kind. But then I realize just how un-fun that way of looking at life is. So, I have decided I must choose the outlook and attitude that feels best for myself. For me, it is innocent, silly, non sensical fun. Playing with my fabulously witty and intelligent children and grand kids (and brilliant fascinating relatives) or with the people I work with through the week. I am thankful I work with a bunch of 'social workers'. They are, for the most part, optimistic of life even though they deal with the negative side most of the time. I wake up every morning to my smiling puppies waiting for their morning treats. (So far I have three furry Shelties)Or on the weekends I can sleep til noon. And I know my extroadinary family is always there for when I may want to just...Play! Yes, life for me is OK. :)

(of course, all I have said previously depends on whether I have gotten a good night's rest...)



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